CONNECTORx CORNERx: 007 - 2023-02-08 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter:  Situational Analysis, Developing Others, and Virtual Water Cooler

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Situational Analysis

 As part of your strategic planning proc...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 006 - 2023-01-31 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter:   Pharmacy Hours, Job Shadowing, and Sleep Overs 


I wanted to weigh in on the recent news about moves to cut pha...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 005 - 2023-01-24 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Pharmacy Enterprise, Languages of Appreciation, Dinner Games

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Pharmacy Enterprise 

The term pharmacy enterprise encompasses the c...

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011: The Pharmacy Enterprise career development connector life blog connectorability pharmacy strategy
The term pharmacy enterprise encompasses the concept that pharmacy was much bigger and more important to the success of our health systems than the term pharmacy departm...
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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 004 - 2023-01-17 career development connector corner pharmacy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Pharmacy Conferences, Q1 Plan, Spontaneous Activities 

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Pharmacy Conferences

 You may know that attending pharmacy conferences ha...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 003 - 2023-01-10 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Float Pools, Annual Plan, Family Word of the Year


I was reminded recently of the challenges that pharmacy departme...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 002 - 2022-12-20 career development connector corner pharmacy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: System Business Plans, Reflection, Reward Yourself 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   System Business Plans

The easiest business plans that I have seen approved...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 001 - 2022-12-13 career development connector corner pharmacy

Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: International Pharmacy Practice, Career Portfolio, Gift Experiences 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   International Pharmacy Practice

My favorite session at th...

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Dots 038: Return on Investment connector dots connectorability pharmacy pharmovator


Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief, candid insights on healthcare, pharmacy, and life for connectors and pharmovators.


What is an ROI - Return on Investment. It boils down to answering the WI...

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Dots 036: Pharmovation Program connector dots
Today we will discuss the Pharmovation Program to answer any questions you have before the enrollment closes tonight. Pharmovation is a facilitated online program to ACCELERATE you Career, ADVOCA
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Dots 037: Leading Yourself: Personal Goals connector dots connectorability leadership pharmacy


Are you leading or managing yourself?  It is important for us to lead ourselves before we can lead others. One important way we lead ourselves is by prioritizing goals and executing on them.


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Dots 035: Impact & Joy in Your Pharmacy Career connector dots
 CONNECTOR DOTS - Impact & Joy in Your Pharmacy Career -Wednesday Wisdom
Do you believe you can have both impact and joy in your pharmacy career? Well I do.
Today during Wednesday Wisdom we
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