CONNECTORx CORNERx: 005 - 2023-01-24 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Pharmacy Enterprise, Languages of Appreciation, Dinner Games

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Pharmacy Enterprise 

The term...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 004 - 2023-01-17 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Pharmacy Conferences, Q1 Plan, Spontaneous Activities 

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Pharmacy Conferences

 You may know that...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 003 - 2023-01-10 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Float Pools, Annual Plan, Family Word of the Year


I was reminded recently of the...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 002 - 2022-12-20 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: System Business Plans, Reflection, Reward Yourself 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   System Business Plans

The easiest...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 001 - 2022-12-13 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: International Pharmacy Practice, Career Portfolio, Gift Experiences 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   International...

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