Dots 023: Community Volunteering

connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Community Volunteering for a Connector Life - Wisdom Wednesday 

How is your life balance in the area of Community? Are you actively volunteering?
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief, candid insights on healthcare, pharmacy and life for connectors and pharmovators.
Today during Wisdom Wednesday we will explore the value and how of community volunteer work.
I am your host Kimber Boothe and I am a Strategic Pharmacy Coach and Consultant. I am a pharmacist, healthcare leader and entrepreneur. I help pharmacists strategically advocate for roles and resources to advance pharmacy practice and have joyful engaging careers.
Key Points
Community is a key part of having a Connector Life along with Self, Family/Friends, and Career
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - volunteering rates declined to 25% in 2015.
The 2018 Volunteering in America report found that 77.34 million adults (30.3 percent) volunteered through an organization last year.
Benefits for the Volunteer
• live longer and are healthier
• establishes strong relationships
• good for your career
• good for society
• sense of purpose
How Can You Get Involved & Volunteer
Your turn - this is a great opportunity to tie your passions and values
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Be Bold, Be a Connector, Advance Healthcare and Pharmacy Practice
P.S. Stay tuned for big news for The Connector Life Podcast and the Pharmacy Podcast Network!!
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