CONNECTORx CORNER: 028 - 2024-06-25

career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Conference Networking, AI in Pharmacy, Summer Bucket Lists 


I just returned from the ASHP Summer Meeting - called Pharmacy Futures: Transforming Pharmacy Practice Today and Tomorrow. 

This reimagined meeting featured a multi-day AI summit, and I wanted to share my key takeaways.

Let's ground in the definitions and types of AI.  

Automation has long existed, which allows computation to complete tasks based on a set of rules—no decisions are made. There are still many possibilities to expand automation in healthcare. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Mimics human learning and problem-solving, Performs human tasks, Makes Decisions

"AI is the theory and development of computer systems to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, language processing, learning, and problem-solving."  - Oxford Dictionary

Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI techniques that use statistical methods to enable machines to improve with experiences and develop intelligence.  Training to make decisions

Summit Highlights -

  • AI History - Boom and Winters: AI is not a new concept; in fact, it had periods of booms of high expectations and some success and then periods of low expectations (winters).  Data science and large language models in the last 2 decades have increased the reality and boom of AI.
  • AI is Gettin Smarter: IQ of ChatGPT is 155, which is >99.9%tile, knows 90 + languages, has read 4,000,000 books and has a working memory of 128,000 words and the newer Gemini is even smarter
  • Risks: Accuracy is a risk. "Hallucinations" are possible with AI making up answers as it compiles information
  • Ethical Aspects: There are open questions of the appropriateness of using AI and disclosing when it is used
  • AI + Human: Combining AI with human input is more effective than either alone. AI will allow us to be more accurate and efficient, empowering us to focus on the myriad of unmet patient care needs.
  • Test and Justify: We should explore AI tools and data models in our organizations. We should support assessments and research to allow AI to be tested to increase the potential for development and use in practice.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Conference Networking

 The topic of networking at conferences came up during a call recently and since I had been preparing for a conference I was attending, it was great timing to cover this topic.



  • Networking is a critical part of your career planning and professional development
  • Will bring you joy and connection 


  • Choose the conferences you will attend that support your development and networking goals
  • Review your Networking Plan and message people to see if they are attending (reply to me if you don't have a plan and I can give you a template)
  • Post your plan to attend on LinkedIn to see who in your network is going
  • Review the speaker and attendee list for people you know or would like to know based on your networking plan 


  • Look at your schedule and find times to propose to make connections
  • Come to sessions early to talk to other audience members
  • Stay after sessions to introduce yourself to the speakers


  • Update your meeting profile to include your title, bio, and LI link
  • Share your business card (paper or digital)
  • Connect on LinkedIn with a message to make note of where you met them
  • Make a reminder to follow up in a few months for a virtual coffee chat 

 FUN & JOY: Summer Bucket Lists

It is now officially the first week of summer. 

Creating a bucket list for your summer activities can be a fun way to plan for an exciting summer without overwhelming you. 

I have been creating a bucket list for other activities to do over time, such as:

  • Visiting All 50 States
  • Seeing the Seven Wonders of the World
  • Visiting all Cedar Fair Parks
  • Visiting the Top National Parks

For summer your bucket list could include activities like:

  • Visit an amusement park
  • Try a new food
  • Attend an outdoor concert
  • Take a road trip
  • Be a tourist in your own city
  • Go to a baseball or soccer game

What will you put on your summer bucket list?


I am here to support you in your journey to advance pharmacy and accelerate your joyful engaging career. 

Check out these additional resources or schedule time for us to connect

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